Where is Sam Damon?

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Eik strikes back...

Despite his current loyalty to the new administration policy, LTG(R) Eikenberry's memos on Afghanistan seem to me, an outsider, like they are spot on. Here is the best excerpt from the article linked to above:
On Nov. 6, Mr. Eikenberry wrote: “President Karzai is not an adequate strategic partner. The proposed counterinsurgency strategy assumes an Afghan political leadership that is both able to take responsibility and to exert sovereignty in the furtherance of our goal — a secure, peaceful, minimally self-sufficient Afghanistan hardened against transnational terrorist groups.

“Yet Karzai continues to shun responsibility for any sovereign burden, whether defense, governance or development. He and much of his circle do not want the U.S. to leave and are only too happy to see us invest further,” Mr. Eikenberry wrote. “They assume we covet their territory for a never-ending ‘war on terror’ and for military bases to use against surrounding powers.”

He continued, “Beyond Karzai himself, there is no political ruling class that provides an overarching national identity that transcends local affiliations and provides reliable partnership.”

In a second cable, dated Nov. 9, he expressed new concerns: “In a PBS interview on November 7, Karzai sounded bizarrely cautionary notes about his willingness to address governance and corruption. This tracks with his record of inaction or grudging compliance in this area.”

Previous posts on Karl Eikenberry:

McChrystal Hearing

Eikenberry to Washington: Show me the money!

Our Afghanistan Ambassador

Also, take a look at this old post, from September 2008, on Pakistan's Army Chief GEN Kayani:

New Pakistani Army Chief

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