Where is Sam Damon?

A blog dedicated to debate and commentary on national security, foreign affairs, veterans' issues, and a whole host of other topics. If you are not familiar with who Sam Damon is, click here. Feel free to post comments or contact Onager via e-mail at whereissamdamon@gmail.com.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Eikenberry to Washington: Show me the money!

If Karl says show me the money, the Obama administration and Congress needs to show him the money. Here is the Army biography of the current ambassador to Afghanistan:
LTG(R) Karl Eikenberry

Below is a clip portraying LTG Eikenberry calling Obama aide Tom Cruise:

1 comment:

Onager said...

Here is a good post from The Scholar's Stage about our new ambassadors:

Meet Our New Ambassadors