Where is Sam Damon?

A blog dedicated to debate and commentary on national security, foreign affairs, veterans' issues, and a whole host of other topics. If you are not familiar with who Sam Damon is, click here. Feel free to post comments or contact Onager via e-mail at whereissamdamon@gmail.com.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Soon to be GEN McChrystal

Abu M beat me to the punch here. Here are his thoughts on LTG McChrystal: McKiernan Out, McChrystal In

As I have stated earlier, LTG McChrystal is more than qualified for combat command. I also stated that implementing a counterinsurgency strategy fell to GEN McKiernan, not GEN Petraeus, and questioned how he and the Obama administration could save Afghanistan. Thankfully, the Obama administration acted swiftly and replaced GEN McKiernan quickly. They fired a general that wasn't getting the job done - holy $h!7!!! Bravo, Obama administration! Bravo, Secretary Gates (pbuh)!

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