Where is Sam Damon?

A blog dedicated to debate and commentary on national security, foreign affairs, veterans' issues, and a whole host of other topics. If you are not familiar with who Sam Damon is, click here. Feel free to post comments or contact Onager via e-mail at whereissamdamon@gmail.com.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

No Nukes

The nuclear arms debate always reminds me of the 2nd Amendment debate... except for the fact that on the nuclear arms issue the gun rights advocates would probably argue in favor of only the U.S., you know the global hegemon with world police authority, having access to nuclear arms. Shouldn't they be arguing that everyone and every country should have a nuke? Perhaps a concealed nuclear weapon carry permit? Then atrocities like Columbine would never happen... if only everyone had a nuke. Here is an excerpt from the piece above:
The Obama Administration, in its early foreign-policy decisions, has sought to prioritize the most difficult problems in its in-box, and, in doing so, to define the hard facts and choices. This approach certainly describes Obama’s foreign-policy review on Afghanistan and Pakistan, which was issued late last month. The review process bore down on the discouraging details of the revitalizing Taliban insurgency in a way that Bush and his perennially divided advisers never were able to do.

On April 5th, also as a result of a decision by the Obama Administration, television cameras recorded the arrival at Dover Air Force Base of a casket containing the remains of Staff Sergeant Phillip Myers, of Hopewell, Virginia, who was killed in Afghanistan. For the past eighteen years, the military has banned the media from witnessing the arrival home of a soldier killed overseas, even if the soldier’s family wished otherwise. No more. These caskets, too, are Obama’s inheritance. Gradually, the President is fashioning a turn in national-security policy—by insisting, first of all, on an end to denial.

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