Where is Sam Damon?

A blog dedicated to debate and commentary on national security, foreign affairs, veterans' issues, and a whole host of other topics. If you are not familiar with who Sam Damon is, click here. Feel free to post comments or contact Onager via e-mail at whereissamdamon@gmail.com.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Odierno speaks in a full sentence...

A svelte Ray modeling the new Army Service Uniform. He is still a leg...

...and requests more combat forces in Iraq past the deadline. As you can tell from previous posts, I'm not a huge fan of GEN Odierno. However, at least he is speaking up. I do question the timing of this though...

On another note, I love how after GEN Casey recommended to take it slowly on the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," GEN Odierno immediately piped up and said, "Oh, I favor repealing it." GEN Odierno is undoubtedly positioning himself to replace GEN Casey as Army Chief of Staff, which he most likely will get when GEN Casey finally retires. My crystal ball also predicts a GEN Petraeus nomination for Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, once Admiral Mullen finally retires.


Anonymous said...

Odierno is a bad guy who would sell his soul for the next higher position.

Onager said...

Looks like my crystal ball was wrong...